Add value into other people’s lives.
Contribute to people so they can believe in themselves, that there are no obstacles that we cannot overcome, that the difficult times in life are the best teachers and we can take a lesson and step up from it and make our world full of self love, confidence, empowerment,using Fitness, Spirituality, Self- knowledge to stay true to who we really are.
Teaching women to use food to nourish them and to make them stronger and healthier, and take away all self beliefs and self doubts to body image, to make peace between ourselves, our mirror and food.
To be who we want to be and not less than great.
A Letter from Raquel,

Thank you for being here and for taking the time to read this letter. While I’m writing this I’m in my office, in my small studio in Doha, not sure where I will be exactly when you read this.
I’m from Portugal and I lived already in 4 countries, Portugal, England, United Arab Emirates and Qatar, during all these years I have worked with the most amazing people from all over the world, with different cultures, languages, different ways to see and live life, but there is a common thing for all of us , we are all doing our journey, facing our own challenges, me included of course.
For around 10 years, even being a Fitness Professional I developed an eating disorder, I suffered from overweight, low self-esteem, low self confidence, I felt lost many times, and what I finally understood that was nothing to do with a new diet, or a new fitness class, or even doing more intense workouts or anything else outside of me, but was about to look within me.
What were my self-beliefs? What were my fears? Who I really was? Who I wanted to be? I had to lose people, I had to emerge on my own to find who I was…
I got pregnant, I made peace with my body, and I lost 22kg after pregnancy in 8 months, which I’m happily keeping it off even 4 years after.
I understood what I was doing that didn’t allow me to have a body that I felt healthy, strong and proud of. More important than all of it, I wanted to be in peace with myself, my food, my mirror.
Today I help women who also want this TRANSFORMATION, the body that feels good for them and the spirit that they can live with, everyday. I teach people what small changes in the way we talk to ourselves, the way we see food, and exercise can determine the course of our life and can be the difference between success or struggle.
And regardless if you might feel you have a long way to go, small steps, every day, makes HUGE DIFFERENCES over time, so start, do a small task everyday and keep moving.
If you’re reading this now, I want to tell you, that you can do it, you can CHANGE, and you can achieve anything that you want to.
Connect with me and I would love to know your story too.
Much Love